Become a Sponsor
The Powell River Academy of Music is a non-profit community arts school that is funded by tuition, sponsors, grants and fundraising activities. The Academy offers scholarships and bursaries to students in need and provides cultural events for the enjoyment of the citizens of Powell River.
The Academy has been financially affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. Please consider supporting our ability to remain in a strong position. Donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt and we would welcome a monthly recurring gift. It is through the generosity of our community that we have been able to grow and thrive over the years.
After clicking DONATE TODAY ~ please click on DONATIONS at the top of that page & choose your donation event from the Donation Campaign window
Permanent Fund Established
We are very pleased to have established a permanent fund with the Powell River Community Foundation. The Powell River Academy of Music Endowment Fund will enable us to earn revenue and attain a sustainable future.
Donors who contribute to this fund will be issued receipts for tax purposes from the Powell River Community Foundation. For more information, please see the office or contact the PRCF at 604.483.8678 or info@prcommunityfoundation.com.
The Powell River Academy of Music is a registered Canadian Charity
Charitable Registration # 1199 7483 RR0001